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השתלת שיער DHI או FUE – מה ההבדל?

השתלת שיער DHI או FUE

השאירו פרטים להתייעצות בחינם

The advancement of technology in the field of hair restoration today offers a wide range of advanced solutions for situations of hair loss and baldness. Hair transplantation is the most popular and effective procedure available today for hair restoration. The innovative surgery makes it possible to eradicate the phenomenon of baldness completely and causes hair growth and optimal hair density in the scalp, which occurs naturally after the transplantation of the hair follicles. The DHI method and the FUE method are two of the most common techniques used today in hair transplant surgery, where each method has its unique advantages and is suitable in different situations. Sometimes there is a debate about whether to choose the DHI or FUE hair transplant method and many patients find themselves confused, mainly due to a lack of knowledge on the subject. In order for you to get to know the two methods a little more in depth, we have compiled for them all the relevant information regarding these two innovative hair transplant methods. 

What is the difference between the two methods, who are they mainly suitable for, and how do we choose between them? The answers are already here.


What is hair transplant surgery ?

Our scalp hair grows thanks to tiny hair follicles, from which the hair comes out naturally. The tiny follicles are located within the dermis layer, the subcutaneous layer, and directly from this layer on the scalp the hair grows. The hair follicles can also be seen in the initial stages, such as after a short period of time passes after shaving the head. The hair grows from the hair follicles according to the hair cycle, a process that occurs naturally in our body. 

As age progresses, the hair follicles on the scalp become “dormant” and degenerate, and stop working. At some point they no longer produce hair, and situations of hair loss, baldness and hair loss occur. Hair transplantation is a surgical operation that is intended to replace the dormant hair follicles with live hair follicles, which are taken from another area of ​​the patient’s body who is undergoing the surgery. Hair transplantation is suitable for both men and women, and is considered the only solution that allows new natural hair to grow and fill the scalp again after partial or complete baldness. The surgery involves transplanting the hair follicles in the scalp in a way that will cause the hair to grow again naturally.

DHI (Direct Hair Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extract) are both popular hair transplant techniques.
DHI (Direct Hair Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extract) are both popular hair transplant techniques.

Who is suitable for hair transplant surgery with the different methods?

Hair transplant surgery is mainly suitable for people who experience baldness and hair loss in the scalp and wish to regain the appearance of abundant hair. The percentage of people who suffer from baldness continues to increase every year, when the phenomenon negatively affects all areas of life of those who suffer from it. Hair transplant surgery , which is carried out using different and innovative methods, allows to return the abundant hair to the scalp, improve the appearance significantly, as well as the self-confidence and personal image.

1. The magic of age

If you are a young magician or an experienced old magician who is not afraid to deal with hair loss, don’t worry! The hair transplant surgery can work its magic on people of different ages, from the young learners to the wise magicians.

2. The princes and princesses with gradual hair loss

Are you facing the magic of gradual hair loss? Don’t worry, as hair transplant surgery can restore your receding hairline and shed those unwanted patches.

3. Magical chic of wig hair

For all the hot nobles waking up to the magic of wig hair spinning under their imaginations, hair transplant surgery can unlock that magic and give you maximum facial hair growth.

4. The proofreaders with the thin hair

If you are an amazing charmer who is dealing with thin hair, worry no more! The hair transplant surgery can work magic on your preparation and leave it festive and above all full of volume again.

5. The mystical magnifier with alopecia

 For the mystical breeder who is dealing with alopecia, hair transplant surgery can be the mystical savior that revives your hair magic.

Ben's hair transplant
The changing journey of hair growth after hair transplant surgery.

Now, what about the different methods of hair transplant surgery? We have the mystical FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method, where skilled magicians transplant the hair units in leaps and bounds from the donor area to the recipient area. Then there is the fascinating FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, in which maximum hands explode the hair units into transplant follicles.

So, whether you’re looking for the power of FUT or the magic of FUE, hair transplant surgery is here to fulfill all your magical desires! Remember, fellow magicians, consult with a trained hair magician to find the perfect method for your magic needs.

What are the differences between DHI or FUE hair transplantation? 

Before DHI implantation of the patient's procedure.
Before DHI implantation of the patient’s procedure.

Both innovative methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important that you know the prominent differences between them. This way you can consider which of the methods could be the best for you and make the most informed decision. Both techniques have been proven to be effective in hair restoration, but they may be suitable for different situations.

FUE method for hair transplantation

The FUE method, or in its full name Follicular Unit Extraction, involves removing individual follicles from the donor area and then transplanting them to the scalp area. The unique FUE method is one of the most advanced and innovative hair transplant techniques available today. Most clinics in the field work according to this method and it is considered the most popular. This method requires shaving the head before the transplant so that the specialist doctor can make cuts and insert the transplanted hair follicles through them. The method is based on an invasive technique performed by the doctor manually and requires local anesthesia only.

The beautiful result of a woman's hair transplant
The beautiful result of a woman’s hair transplant

As part of the procedure, the attending physician takes the living hair follicles intended for transplantation from the donor area using a kind of dedicated hollow needle. The living follicles are transferred until the moment of their implantation into a solution that preserves and nourishes the follicles before they are inserted into the scalp. After that, the specialist doctor gently and with great precision creates the hair canals in which the hair follicles from the donor area will be transplanted. After the hair canals are formed, you can start transplanting the follicles themselves directly into the balding areas of the scalp. The specialist doctor performs slow, focused and meticulous work, which usually takes several hours. To get a new hairline with a natural look, it is important to transplant the follicles accurately while paying attention to details such as the direction of growth, the type of hair and the depth of the transplant.

 FUE hair transplantation consists of several steps:

  • Taking live hair follicles from a donor area of ​​the body 
  • Keeping the hair follicles in a unique solution
  • Opening canals in the scalp for the insertion of hair follicles
  • The implantation of the follicles themselves into the skin of the scalp
  • Filling of all the bald areas on the scalp

DHI hair transplant method

One of the popular methods for treating local baldness is the DHI method. The hair follicles are taken from the donor area and then inserted into a unique pen. The pen incorporates a hollow syringe, with which the specialist doctor implants the hair follicles. There is no need to create holes or slots to insert the hair, and the needle can be inserted once. When it comes out of the skin, the hair follicles remain inside the skin of the scalp. This is an innovative method which is based on the FUE method and is basically similar to it, but is considered suitable mainly in situations of local baldness. The innovative method does not require shaving the head and can be performed to fill areas where the hair is missing.

featureDHI hair transplant surgeryFUE hair transplant surgery
precision methodFur application pen – direct hair applicationMicro tools – the method of subtracting the units from the implant
Application speedSlower due to manual transplant processFaster due to activation of insertion and subtraction at the same time
Hairline designPortrait and control design of the hairlineNatural design of the hairline
scarsMinimal scars at the transplant sitesMinimal scarring at the donor and recipient sites
recovery timeMay require more time for recovery and rehabilitationFaster overall recovery time
transplant densityExpanding hair with a high survival rate, suitable for denser hairSuitable for different density levels of hair
specializationRequires skilled and experienced doctors to prepare surgeriesRequires skilled doctors
Care after transplantationCareful orientation to protect the newly embedded hairNormal post transplant care  

In conclusion

Hair transplant surgery can be performed with different methods, where each method has its own prominent advantages and allows to reach a different result depending on the need. In order for you to know which method is the most suitable for you, you should consult your specialist doctor for guidance. He will help you make the right decision about which method will give you the ultimate solution and the result you expect from the hair transplant.

למי מומלץ לעבור השתלת שיער DHI או FUE ומדוע?

DHI ו-FUE הן טכניקות מתקדמות המשמשות בהשתלת שיער. שתיהן כוללות חילוץ זקיקי שיער בודדים מאזור התורם והשתלתם באזור הנמען כדי לשקם את צמיחת השיער. כמו כן, ניתן לשלב השתלת שיער DHI או FUE עם טיפולי שיקום שיער אחרים, כגון טיפולים רפואיים (מינוקסידיל, פינסטריד) או טיפול PRP לשיער בטסיות דם. טיפולים משלימים אלו יכולים לשפר ולשמר את התוצאות של השתלת השיער.

השתלת שיער DHI מתאימה לאנשים שחווים נסיגת קווי שיער, שיער דליל או אזורים קרחים ורוצים תוצאות בעלות מראה טבעי עם מינימום צלקות. שיטה זו מתאים גם למי שמעדיף תקופת החלמה קצרה יותר. השתלת שיער FUE מתאימה לאנשים עם כמות זקיקי שיער מספקת באזור התורם המעוניינים למלא אזורים גדולים יותר.

בהחלט כן, נשים יכולות לעבור השתלת שיער DHI או FUE. נשירת שיער או דילול שיער יכולים להשפיע גם על נשים, וטכניקות אלו מציעות פתרונות יעילים לשיקום צמיחת השיער. עם זאת, חשוב לנשים להתייעץ עם מומחים מוסמכים להשתלות שיער כדי לקבוע את הגורם הבסיסי לנשירת שיערן ולהעריך את התאמתן להליך. נלקחים בחשבון גורמים כגון דפוס נשירת השיער, שיער תורם זמין וציפיות אינדיבידואליות כדי להבטיח תוצאות מיטביות. ניתן להתאים תוכניות טיפול מותאמות אישית עבור נשים המחפשות לשקם ולחדש את השיער שלהן.

כן, גם השתלת שיער DHI וגם FUE מציעות פתרון קבוע לנשירת שיער. זקיקי השיער המושתלים עמידים להשפעות של DHT (דיהידרוטסטוסטרון), ההורמון האחראי על נשירת שיער, וממשיכים לצמוח באופן טבעי במיקומם החדש.

כמו כל הליך כירורגי, ישנם סיכונים אפשריים, כגון זיהום, דימום או צלקות. עם זאת, כאשר ההליך מתבצע על ידי מנתחים מיומנים ומנוסים, הסיכונים הללו פוחתים משמעותית. חשוב לעקוב אחר הוראות הטיפול לאחר הניתוח לקבלת תוצאות מיטביות.

לאחר שלב הנשירה הראשוני, צמיחת שיער חדשה מתחילה בדרך כלל תוך מספר חודשים. שיפורים משמעותיים ניכרים לרוב תוך 6-12 חודשים, כאשר תוצאות מלאות נראות לאחר 12-18 חודשים. סבלנות היא המפתח, שכן צמיחת שיער היא תהליך הדרגתי שלוקח זמן.

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